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Ellison Students Visit Smart Museum

A small-town museum in Central Texas is looking to bring a wide variety of technology to the area, especially for the youth.
A group of Ellison High School students spent a chunk of the school day Wednesday at the Smart Museum in Nolanville trying out a variety of virtual reality challenges and investigating local hydroponics gardening efforts.
They also tried their hand at an autonomous driving simulation courtesy of visiting faculty and students from Texas A&M University in College Station.
For Ellison engineering instructor Charlie Gipson, it was a short trip to a growing local resource that easily kept students engaged in learning.
The 30 students were split between an engineering class and a criminal investigation class.
Inside the museum on 10th Street in Nolanville, students saw firsthand the cucumbers and tomatoes growing through a water-conserving hydroponics method.
They also learned about water testing, done at nearby Nolan Creek to keep track of relative acidity. The museum also offers gaming and podcasting.
Outside, students took turns on two different virtual reality experiences provided through a Metaverse motion simulator from Austin.
Nolanville city officials welcomed the visiting high school students and described their ongoing e-gaming league, as well as a space camp and youth advisory commission among its growing offerings.
The city and its burgeoning museum are working alongside Texas A&M University to secure a National Science Foundation grant that would significantly grow the museum.
Currently, it is available for groups to rent in addition to leagues and camps.
“Today, we’re at the Nolanville Smart Museum. We’re doing VR, using microphones and doing podcasts and AI, lots of tech stuff,” said senior Ash Lewis. “I think it’s really cool. I’m doing all of it.”
She said it was a refreshing way to spend a school day and see technology at work.
“I thought it was going to be a big place,” said freshman Julius Luna. “It’s small, but I gave it a chance. There’s (gardening), AI and VR and I just got a better score than anyone (on a VR game). When you turn (the steering wheel), it actually leans you.”
Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/killeenisd/albums/72177720322066850