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Getting Ready to Go Back to School

It’s a week of welcome in Killeen ISD with middle school and high school students drifting back to campus to prepare for the new school year.
At Jimmie Don Aycock Middle School – already known as “JDA” – Principal Savannah Jimenez welcomed students and parents to the school’s inaugural Runner Camp.
All KISD middle schools hosted readiness day Wednesday and high schools spread their readiness days across Wednesday and Thursday.
Elementary schools host the annual district wide Meet the Teacher Thursday from 4 to 6 p.m.
All students start school Wednesday, Aug. 14.
At Aycock Middle School, Jimenez spoke purposely to both parents and students in two identical sessions, beginning with an introduction to the “JDA Way.”
All told, the first-year school’s students will come from more than nine schools locally, she said.
“Today, we want to reduce anxiety and increase excitement,” she said.
The principal also said the school would labor to communicate thoroughly and give students every chance to thrive and not just survive another school year.
She emphasized the highest priority of keeping everyone on campus safe and also pointed out elements of the dress code and cell phone restrictions.
After introducing campus administrators, Jimenez guided groups of students to various staff members with identifying pictures and campus tours began.
“Today is your first opportunity to be brave,” she said as students made their way to their tour groups.
Parents moved on to the gym, where they visited information tables to learn about after-school childcare, volunteer opportunities and counseling support.
They also took time to write out encouraging words to their students on long pieces of paper.
Parents and students received class schedules, walked to their classes and received assigned lockers and locks.
“We are excited about readiness day,” said counselor Amber Peterson. “We’ve been working hard on schedules. It’s a great opportunity to get to meet our students and our parents and make sure they are getting everything they need.”
“We’re here to support them in everything that they do.”
Teachers, now in their second week of professional development, said it was satisfying to see students in the building.
“I’m seeing not only student engagement, but parent engagement,” said English teacher Taylor Botset. “Everybody is excited for what’s new. That’s a good way to start a new year.”
“Everybody is enjoying roaming the halls and finding out what’s where. I see lots of smiling faces - friends seeing each other again and meeting new people.”
At the first-year school, everyone was experiencing newness
“I’m nervous, excited, looking forward to making an impact,” said Botset. “I look forward to growing with the students.”
From the newest school in town to one of the most familiar, new Principal Central Hicks welcomed students and parents to Manor Middle School, a place where generations of Killeen residents remember being Rams.
Hicks expressed his own excitement, introduced the school’s cheerleaders and administrators and guided the groups of family members into tour groups to see the campus.
Everyone who entered Manor walked through a tunnel of welcoming cheerleaders.
Eighth-grade head cheerleaders Amari Betsill and Zakira Mosley said they were happy to get to help welcome their classmates back to school.
“It’s exciting because we can see the new students who are coming and cheer them on,” said Betsill.
“I want people to know we will accept them in and welcome them,” said Mosley, “and let them know we can be the best.”