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STEM Day at Douse Elementary

If spending a day at school engaged in drones, robots and Lego building blocks sounds too good to be true, keep reading – actually, keep reading regardless.
Douse Elementary School hosted STEM Day on Friday, as in science, technology, engineering and math.
First through fifth grade students cycled through a packed schedule of activities all in an effort designed to spark their imagination in learning.
School Librarian Keye’tta Mathis orchestrated the day of fun and learning, drawing largely from resources on the campus and from Killeen ISD and its partners.
Students and the librarian from Texas A&M University-Central Texas took part, as well as a Harker Heights city librarian.
Digital technology leaders from KISD also brought their supplies and expertise.
Most classes moved through six 20-minute stations.
“The goal was really to spark kids’ interest in learning through STEM. I wanted to showcase what STEM looks like. Sometimes they think it’s more work, when really it just sparks curiosity and learning,” Mathis said.
Most jobs, she said, are tied in some way to technology and other STEM fields.
“I really want them to think about what’s coming – middle school and beyond,” she said.
The former middle school educator pulled out some of the equipment and training she received in past years to put to work on the elementary campus. “When I saw some of the bots, the light bulb came on and I knew we could use that,” she said.
Collaborating with the community is important for school librarians, she said, emphasizing the need to promote digital technology as well as traditional resources.
“We got to do a lot of activities. It was so fun,” said fourth-grader Katalaya Brooks. “We got to see robots and have fun with friends. We got to spend time with our teachers. Last but not least we had fun.”
Brooks said she especially likes math because it allows you to learn as you go.
Another fourth-grader, Austin Holifield was more excited about the technology offerings.
“We got to see the drones fly, drive the robots and build stuff,” he said. “Robots are kind of like video games except they’re real.”
Douse Elementary STEM Day photo gallery: