Dismissal Procedure

      • Maxdale Elementary is a 100% ID check campus. 

        At Maxdale Elementary, our dismissal procedures are designed with the utmost care and safety in mind. We prioritize the well-being of our students, staff, and the community during this critical transition period. To ensure a smooth dismissal process, please refer to the map below for detailed instructions. Our dedicated staff is always on hand to assist and guide students as they enter/exit the school premises, and we appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a secure and efficient dismissal routine.

        Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education, and together, we can make arrival/dismissal a safe and streamlined experience for all.

        • The dismissal bell rings at 3:00 p.m. Teachers will escort students to designated areas outside of the building for parent pick-up or to walk home.
        • The latest time you may check out your student early is 2:45 pm.

        Parents using the front two drop-off/pick-up lanes must not leave their vehicles. There is no parking permitted in either of these lanes. If you are waiting for your child and blocking the traffic flow, please exit the lane for a parking space to permit the smooth flow of traffic.

        School personnel will be stationed in strategic areas to supervise students, assist with departure procedures, and ensure safe practices.

        Students who pick up younger siblings will be dismissed from the building with their own class. They will then walk around to their sibling’s pick-up area.

      Dismissal Areas 

      • Dismissal Areas

        • PreK Exits - Door #2 End of PK Hallway
        • Kinder/ECSE Exit - Door #10 End of Kinder Hallway
        • 1st/2nd Grade Exit - Door #9 West side of building
        • 3rd Grade Exits - Main Front Doors
        • 4th/5th Grade Exit - Door #1A and walk to front of building to be picked up

      Inclement Weather

      • Inclement Weather

        If we experience inclement weather during dismissal such as heavy rain, lightning, etc., the campus will use an inclement weather dismissal plan. Parents will be permitted to go into school for parent pick-up. Students will be dismissed from their classrooms and released to parents there. Parents must bring a picture ID as we are a 100% ID check on campus. Students that are designated as walkers will be held by their teachers until 3:10 p.m. since many times parents decide they do not want them to walk in the rain. At 3:10 p.m. all remaining students will be dismissed as usual.