Elementary Oration Contest

Skipcha Elementary School fourth-grader Gabriella Fox imagines that she will be a teacher one day and that her classroom will be exciting – filled with games, the latest technology and lots of group projects.

Fox put her ideas into a speech that won first place in Skipcha Elementary School’s 14th annual oration contest.

Twelve students participated in the May 24 event, working off the prompt - “If I Was a Teacher.”

Erin Mann received second place and Amiah Edwards earned the third-place prize.

Honorable Mention went to Grace Rutledge, Ashlynn Riepen, David Smith, Arelia Acosta, Logan Yaun, Sydney Mayo, Harley Mason, Neva Rhodes, Valerie Rebollo.
Gabriella Fox’s winning speech is as follows:
Do you remember being in elementary school? Did you find it fun where you couldn't wait to get there in the morning or so boring you could fall asleep? Well, someday I will become a teacher and I will change several things because a lot of children, including your own children, dislike school. I believe this is because they find it boring. In fact, a lot of my friends struggle to get out of bed because they are dreading school. Sometimes even me! In my opinion some styles of teaching do not draw students' attention. Some things I would add are electronics, educational board games, and more partner groups.  
Board games are one way of learning that would help students because sometimes writing on a worksheet does not help. Various board games have rules that can assist students with real life situations by encouraging critical thinking and problem solving.  Educational games can also help students practice and remember what they are learning. Furthermore, it helps students with communication and social skills. For example, board games help with waiting, taking turns, sharing, how to cope with losing, making conversations, problem solving, compromising, collaborating and being flexible. With all these benefits why are board games not used more frequently? 
When I become a teacher, I will also use electronic devices in my classroom. I know some schools use electronics, but I think they do not use them enough. Studies from Alison Academy show that iPads and computers help most students learn better. Scientists did a test with two groups. One group studied on paper the second group did it on iPads. Then, both groups completed a test using paper or the iPads depending on the mode which they used for studying. After the test they looked at the grades and the paper group scored below a B, but the iPad group got all A’s. Electronics will also help students in the future because our generation uses electronics a lot now days. Electronics also provide easy access to information, accelerated learning, and fun opportunities to review what we are learning. For example, Book-it is one great way of reviewing content because it creates a memorable experience while the students are learning. Book-it does a fantastic job at engaging students in a fun game or competition. I know this is true because my class uses book-it very often and I can tell everyone is having a fun time but also understand the lesson more. 
In addition, another way students learn better is through partner groups because some students don't understand adults and need help from a student's point of view. It also increases social skills such as active listening, effective speaking, and it can improve self-confidence and teamwork skills. Also, partners can help if they are confused too. 
Everyone is unique and learns differently. Educators should take that into account. Children want to be challenged, but in their own way. We all come from different backgrounds, so it takes different teaching styles to be able to reach all of us.  
Alexander Den Heijer once said, “When a flower doesn't bloom you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” Think about it. Can you make a difference in the environment of our KISD students so they can bloom? 