Meet the Teacher Attracts Excited Families

They walked up sidewalks from nearby neighborhoods, filled parking lots to capacity and made their way through hallways into classrooms all to Meet the Teacher.
Across Killeen ISD Thursday, students, parents and other family members visited elementary and middle school campuses during the district’s annual classroom visitation leading to next week’s start to the new school year.
Willow Springs Elementary School Principal Jessica Hicks was thrilled to finally get to meet some of her students.
New to KISD, the veteran principal said she’s hired about 35 teachers, and they are thrilled to get going.
“Super-excited is how I feel,” Hicks said as the last moments ticked down before the waiting crowd entered the school. “All our core classes are staffed, and we are excited to meet children.”


Family members checked class lists posted on the wall in the front hallway, visited tables to learn about volunteering, communities in schools and other programs, then found their classroom.
First-grade teacher Cara Somerville, beginning her first year of teaching, was one of those excited teachers.
“I hope they all make it in today and I hope the parents are as excited as the students are,” she said. “I know we will have an excellent year and it starts tonight.”
Many teachers used an “all about me” page for students to fill out as their parents completed informational forms and asked questions.
Somerville has worked in various jobs in the business world, but said she always felt like she would end up in the classroom.
Down the hall, Willow Springs first-grade teacher Alexis Forrest-Green begins her seventh year of teaching and third at the Killeen school.

“My goal tonight is to engage students,” she said. “I want them to walk out of here excited to come to school.”
“I want parents to know that I’m here for their child and for them and I want them to know their child is safe.”
Hicks stood near the entrance meeting children and parents, shaking hands, giving hugs and fist bumps.
“We want kids to walk out comfortable about Monday morning,” she said. “We want them to want to come back to see what’s next.”
The first day of school is Monday, Aug. 15.