KISD Celebrates Largest-Ever All-State Fine Arts Group

According to available records and memory, Killeen ISD enjoyed record success this year in the number of student musicians qualifying for all-state status.


On Monday, 14 KISD choir students tried out for the state’s most elite choral group and 11 earned a seat in the Texas Music Educators Association All-State Choir, the most ever.

All-State Choir 

A few days before, on Saturday, a Chaparral High School clarinet player earned a spot in the All-State Band.


A month ago, two other students, both from Harker Heights High School, made it into the All-State Orchestra.


The 14 KISD all-staters are set to attend the Texas Music Educators Association annual conference Feb. 12-15 in San Antonio where they will rehearse and receive top instruction before performing for thousands of the state’s music teachers and directors.


Harker Heights senior Alexander Lee and junior Rebekah Koh are the All-State Orchestra representatives.


A story about them is available at the following:


Chaparral High School sophomore clarinetist Reese Richardson earned second chair in the All-State Band.


“I was nervous,” he said of the final audition, which took place Saturday in Duncanville. He actually didn’t find out until Monday that he made the cut for the elite band. “I practice a lot, and I didn’t give up.”

All-State Band 2025 KISD all-state orchestra


Weather in the north and east delayed all-state choir auditions to Monday in Waco.


A day later, those top choir students were together at the Chaparral High School auditorium for a masterwork event combining all five top high school choirs.


After posing for a rare group photo, the all-state students expressed their excitement about earning the highest accolade in Texas scholastic choir.


Ellison senior Aryasia Young made second chair as an alto 2.


She and her friend, Chaparral junior Amani Mitchell, received their results packets together and both thought the other likely made it. As it turned out, they both did, as first and second chair in the same singing part.


“It was so much fun,” said Young. “There was the stress of waiting, feeling like you did good, but did I do as good as I did and then wondering about your friends. It was seven hours of singing and waiting.”


A year ago, she and her friend were the first two alternates, just missing out on all-state. This time, they finished at the top.


All-State Choir CH Gionni CalzadoHarker Heights junior Benjamin Saban Contreras made first chair tenor.


“It feels really good. It was a goal since the start of the school year.”


A second-time All-State Choir member, Contreras said this year’s process was different due to a realigned region and the weather that shifted the audition from a Waco-area school to a church.


What wasn’t different was the feeling of accomplishment. “I was so happy. I’m so grateful.” He said the TMEA conference experience is life-changing, and he’s thrilled to experience it again with even more friends this year.


Harker Heights senior Jasmine Brown made third chair alto 1.


“I was so overwhelmed with joy,” she said. Brown improved steadily, from 18th chair last year to 13th to fourth to third in this year’s successive rounds of auditions.


“I think I had the motivation and drive to go back to TMEA,” she said. Last year, she was part of the Harker Heights choir that performed at the conference by invitation. This year, she will have the experience of an all-stater.


Harker Heights senior Jaedon Trevino made second chair tenor 1.


Even though Trevino made all-state last year, the experience was again overwhelming.


“I was shocked and grateful,” he said. “I was proud of what I did. I worked extremely hard with voice lessons and working with the music.”


Looking at the group of students to be photographed and interviewed, he said, “That’s awesome. It’s exciting to see such a great representation from KISD.”

all-state choir HH Jaedon Trevino all-state choir CH Zach Repine

Harker Heights senior Malick Dan made first chair bass 2.


“I was relieved I made it,” he said, noting the excitement he shared with family and friends who supported him. “I’m just really glad I made it. It was so fun, and I cannot wait (from the TMEA conference).”


Chaparral junior Zachary Repine made fourth chair tenor 2.


The two-time all-state singer said he recognized he was among a highly competitive group of tenor singers at the recent audition.


“I was in the hardest room,” he said. “We just had some great singers. Dynamically, it was the most challenging and I had to add something musically. I worked harder this year.


“TMEA is life-changing,” he said. “This year we wanted to double our numbers, and we did. It’s awesome.”


Chaparral senior Gionni Calzado made second chair bass 2.


“I felt real good,” he said. “I was surprised at first because I thought I messed up. I found out when Zach hugged me. He found out before I did.”


Chaparral junior Amani Mitchell made first chair alto 2.


“It was so reassuring. Last year, it was hard to not make it. This year, I put in the work and built some confidence. I was crying because my friend made it, too.


“I worked hard on my own and my directors worked with me. My parents, my brother, my friends all pushed me.”

 all-state choir CH Amani Mitchell

Chaparral junior Zane Conway made fourth chair bass 1.


“It was really crazy. I didn’t think I would make it. It was my first time to compete in this round and it was surreal. I’m proud of myself and I’m so excited to sing with my classmates and other talented students.”


Harker Heights senior Lucas Hostettler made third chair tenor 1.


“I was very excited. It was a shock.” Like his Harker Heights peers, Hostettler said he was excited to get back to the TMEA conference after attending a year ago with the invited Mastersingers Choir.


“Last year was my first time in high school choir and I was moved up to varsity. This is my only year to try out (for all-state). I got as high as I wanted to get.”


Ellison junior Callie Walker made fifth chair soprano 1.


“It was crazy. I was just hoping for the best. It was a long day, and I was praying for (a good result). I think I made it because of the amount of practice I put in.”


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