- Haynes Elementary School
- Alice Baumann

Phone: 254-336-6750
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Alice Baumann
Killeen ISD Announces New Haynes Elementary Principal
Killeen ISD Superintendent Dr. John Craft announced veteran educator Alice Baumann as the Principal of Haynes Elementary School. Ms. Baumann’s instructional background and years of experience have laid a solid foundation for her to become a successful elementary campus leader. With over twenty years of educational experience, Ms. Baumann has served as a campus instructional specialist, math interventionist, classroom teacher, principal intern, and most recently assistant principal at Dr. Joseph A. Fowler Elementary.
Ms. Baumann is a passionate life-long learner whose vivacity about education will energize others. “I wholly believe in a collaborative approach when it comes to working with administrators and teachers to enhance student achievement,” said Baumann.
Throughout her tenure, Baumann has provided professional development to teachers across the district, developed effective grade-level teams by supporting them in the planning, coaching, and data-collecting processes to improve teacher clarity and efficacy.
Baumann earned her master’s in educational administration from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas.
“We believe Ms. Baumann will work to create a culture of trust on the campus with students, employees and parents. We are excited to see the success of the Haynes Elementary under her leadership,” said Superintendent Dr. Craft.
Former principal, Ms. Angie Donovan, recently accepted another position within the district.