ECHS Minimum Mastery Policy

  • Minimum mastery of a specific skill is determined by each content team and is represented by a grade of at least 75% for all ECHS students. A grade of 75% or higher on a standard/skill represents that a student has met the minimum level of mastery required to be successful on the next set of standards in that skill progression. Without minimum level of mastery, students most likely will struggle significantly to be successful moving forward.

    Students that do not meet the minimum level of mastery on a skill are expected to avail of at least one of the following opportunities to increase their current level of mastery:

    • Mandatory Intervention
      • Assigned by the content teacher
      • Scheduled during Power Hour
    • Open Tutorials
      • Chosen by students (must be student initiated)
      • Offerings determined by content departments
        • Students have access to multiple teachers within the subject needed
        • Rostered teacher may or may not be available each day
      • Scheduled during Power Hour

    The ten (10) days for mastery begins the day the grade is posted in the gradebook. Each student has ten (10) days from the announcement of the graded assignment to avail of mastery opportunities. During the mastery period, the original grade will be posted in the gradebook until minimum mastery has been met or the ten-day mastery period has expired.

    Mastery activities are not re-dos. Mastery activities are intended to increase the learning and skill acquisition to at least the minimum level of mastery (75%). Depending on the skill being mastered, the mastery activity (determined by the content teacher) may or may not be in the same format as the original activity and is designed to increase understanding of the skill/standard to at least minimum mastery. Students that originally meet the minimum level of mastery for a standard/skill are also encouraged/allowed to attempt mastery and improve their grade in order to increase their level of understanding within the same ten-day mastery period.

Assignments Not Attempted

  • Students that do not attempt an assignment/activity will be assigned a grade of 1%, representing that evidence of learning has not been attempted. Students that do not attempt an assignment/activity can have their grade reduced by 2.5 points each day that assignment is not turned in, for a reduction in 25 totals points during the ten (10) day mastery period.

    The ten (10) days to turn in late work begins the day the grades are posted in the gradebook. Each student has 10 days from the announcement of the graded assignment to turn in late work. During this period, the original grade of 1% will be posted in the gradebook until minimum mastery has been met or the ten-day mastery period has expired. Mastery begins the day grades are posted in the gradebook, regardless of if the assignment has been turned in on time or not.

Absent From School and Mastery

  • ECHS will follow district policy for students that are absent from school. Students with an excused absent from school must work with their teacher to turn in assignments. Students with an excused absent will be allowed five (5) days from the day they return to turn-in any missing assignments. Once their assignment is turned in, graded, and placed in the gradebook, they can avail of the mastery policy. If the student does not turn-in an assignment within the five (5) days, a 2% will be entered in the grade book as a calculated zero (0).

    The highest grade, however, for satisfactory make-up work after and unexcused absence shall be a grade of 50 percent. [KISD School Board Policy EIA Local].

    In cases of truancy, make-up work can earn only 50% of the credit that would what been earned if the student had been present.

  • Students will not be excused from subsequent concepts or assignment taught during the time period in which they are attempting to master a concept previously taught.