- Killeen ISD
- GT Showcase
Gifted & Talented Showcase
The Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) provides a series of TEKS-based performance tasks and assessments for gifted and talented (G/T) students in grades K-12. These interdisciplinary research units are implemented by Killeen ISD to enrich the G/T program and require students to:
- Identify and define a research problem or question
- Review existing evidence
- Refine their research question
- Develop a research proposal
- Carry out research
- Analyze information and data gathered
- Report findings through a product or performance
Below is a showcase of the research projects students in KISD produced or performed in prior school year's.
Kindergarten Projects D'Vine Chambers Gemma Grabitz Christian Gutierrez Robert Holderfield Dax Hummel Sixth Grade Projects Charles Allen Timothy Alvarez Ulises Braddy Amelia Coke Jackson Grenier Daniela Vachier Oliveras Seventh Grade Projects Isabella Alvarez Ava Davis Colt Eggleston Julianna Jenson Aireanna Jones Tre'Von Marion Eighth Grade Projects Diego Dean Kaydan Delavan Olivia Greenhill Wonkuk Lee Julie Natividad Steven Irizarry-Vega High School Projects Brianna Brooks Jaida Holley Alexis Speakman

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