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Hispanic Heritage Celebrations Underway

In a celebration of a culture rich in history, food and traditions, Peebles Elementary School hosted families on Thursday to join their children in its Hispanic Heritage Celebration.
The event moved along with the guests, down one hallway over to another, each with music and dance, video, activity and visual display.
Participants sampled treats, tested their Spanish vocabulary knowledge and even met a queen.
Fourth-grade teacher Isabell Cortez wore a crown, and a dress composed of different fabric samples in the style of a specific Panamanian tradition.
She was actually demonstrating her personal ethnic roots.
“Instead of just being part of the dancing, I wear a crown because I’m the ‘Reina Conga,’ the queen of the dance,” she said.
Traditionally, Panamanian immigrants without means took the available scraps of material to fashion a dress for dancing.
“It’s very fun,” she said. “My students are very excited to see us.”
Cortez, the queen of the dance, dressed in the humble dress while her teaching peers wore dresses suited for those of higher social standing.
In another part of the school, guests attempted to match Spanish and English words and tried Puerto Rican candy as they listened to a video about Puerto Rico.
Fifth-grade dual language teacher Gelixa Rodriguez said the evening was about sharing the richness of the Hispanic culture.
“It’s important to celebrate our culture to make our students, parents and community aware of the richness these cultures bring,” she said, especially at schools like Peebles, a dual language program campus.
“It’s important that each culture at Peebles is celebrated.”
Students and parents collaborated to match English and Spanish words.
Other information displayed facts about El Yunque, the tropical rainforest in Puerto Rico.
Many Killeen ISD schools are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, which is September 15 to October 15.
Pershing Park Elementary School hosted its annual celebration Thursday.
Chaparral High School, Pathways Academic Campus and Patterson Middle School have announced plans for Hispanic Heritage Month events over the next few weeks.
Check school calendars for other cultural events.
See photos from the Peebles Hispanic Heritage Celebration: