KISD Communications Earns Crystal Commendation Among Trove of Honors

The Killeen ISD Communications and Marketing Department brought home a treasure trove of honors this week from the Texas School Public Relations Association (TSPRA) conference.
Chief Communications and Marketing Officer Taina Maya made the announcement Thursday following the organization’s Star Awards Banquet.
Crystal Commendation AwardThe school district’s communications department earned a top Crystal Commendation for its employee recognition campaign, the S.T.E.E.L. Awards.
The district honors two staff members a month, based on employee nominations.
Superintendent John Craft joins other top district leaders and the communications staff in honoring each STEEL Award winner personally in surprise presentations that are broadcast and published through KISD-TV and KISD’s web and social media outlets.
STEEL means Supporting the Education and Empowerment of Learners. The award is made by students of steel and is a product of the district’s Career Center welding and automotive programs.
Best of categrory awardOne of the judges commented, “What a creative way to honor staff while promoting a positive image to both staff and community members! Congratulations on using a multi-faceted media approach to get award winner's stories out to the community. The number of community members reached, and number of engagements recorded are signs of a successful campaign strategy.”
The KISD Communications department earned a Best of Category award in Logo Branding for a redesigned Roadrunner logo design for Meadows Elementary School.
It also earned praise as a Crystal Finalist for a portfolio of video projects titled, Killeen ISD: A Place Where Everyone Can Succeed.
In addition, the school district won 21 Gold, eight Silver and three Bronze awards for various video, photography, design and writing submissions.
Among the Gold Star awards were marketing videos created for the opening of Chaparral High School, employee recruitment videos Spanish, and an informative video for parents about student assessments.

TSPRA Awards
