- Chaparral High School
- Student Activities Coordinator
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- Student Activities Coordinator
Student Activities Coordinator

Phone: 254-336-2447
Degrees and Certifications:
Cantresa Scineaux
In 1997, I began my journey into education. I graduated from Southern University at New Orleans in Louisiana with a Bachelors in Elementary Education (back when Elementary education was grades 1st – 8th). From there I moved to Schweinfurt, Germany where I began life as a grown -up. I have lived in Augusta, Georgia where I was a Substitute Teacher. I have lived in Fort Huachuca, Arizona where I taught second grade. I have lived in Fort Belvoir, Virginia where I taught 6th grade Social Studies/ Remedial Math and Kindergarten. I also served as the kindergarten lead teacher. I have lived in Baumholder, Germany where I taught 1st grade. From Germany, I have moved to the Fort Hood, Texas area.
While living in the Fort Hood area, I taught Pre-K3 Head Start in Temple, Texas and in 2012, I began my career with Killeen ISD. I worked six years at Eastern Hills Middle School as a 6th grade math teacher, 6th – 8th grade Resource math teacher, Grade Level Team leader, Special Education Lead Teacher, and SBDM member. In 2016, I earned a Master’s in Education Administration from Texas A&M Central Texas. I have worked two years at the district office as a District Lead Special Education Teacher. For a short time, I worked as a Math Interventionist at Live Oak Ridge Middle School. For the last three years I was the Campus Facilitator for Special Programs at Killeen High School. For the SY 2024-2025 I will begin my journey as Bobcat as the newest Student Activities Coordinator! Get ready, get ready, get ready as we enter the era of the Bobcat!
If you really knew me, you would know I am a proud mother of three adult children and one son-in-love as well as a grand-mommy of two rough and tumble grandsons. I am a 25+ year member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated where I served as the Mu Theta Omega Chapter president from 2021-2022. I am a DIE-HARD Saints fan (WHO DAT!!!) and I firmly believe New Orleans (pre-Katrina) was the best place in the world to grow up!